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A Child is Missing 

The A Child is Missing (ACIM) program works like this: an officer has verified that an individual is missing and ACIM technician is called. The officer gives the technician the pertinent information about the missing person, including description, clothes worn and the time/location last seen.

The ACIM technician uses computer-mapping technology to identify the area where the individual was last seen. A satellite imagery program is also used to increase the map-tracking accuracy and to help visualize "hot spots" that may harbor the missing child or attract a "wandering" individual.

Next, an individual message is recorded, with the description of the person and the alert is phoned to homes/businesses in the area of where the missing person was last seen. The alert message asks residents to check their property for the missing person and to call their local law enforcement agency should they have any information. If a lead is obtained, the search can be expanded to that area.

ACIM has over 60 million phone numbers and does not include unlisted numbers in the United States. This automated system can send 1,000-recorded messages within 60 seconds and has a 98 percent listen rate when the phone is answered.

ACIM technicians are on call 24/7, 365 days a year. The technician will check with the officer on the scene until the child is found or the search has been called off in that area. They are there to serve and assist law enforcement agencies in the search and safe recovery of missing children, elderly (often with Alzheimer's), college students or mentally or physically challenged persons.

ACIM program is FREE to all law enforcement agencies: ACIM serves every race, color and creed without regard to economic status or gender. In some geographic areas, messages are recorded in languages other than English to facilitate the search.

ACIM searched for infants/children 2 to 18 year old, elderly (often with Alzheimer's), college students and disabled (often unconscious).

ACIM does not have unlisted phone numbers in its calling files, but can add unlisted phone and cell numbers provided by owners who want to be contacted in case of a search in their area. We can also include in our database special calling lists for your department. No one has access to the phone numbers we use but ACIM.